Indie has always been a great sleeper, up until two months ago. She used to sleep 8pm to 8am with no night waking and no fighting about going to bed. She would also take a 3 hour nap. It was dreamy. We went to Utah for three weeks in March and when we came back to Hawaii she had a very difficult time adjusting to the time change.
Now her sleep is all over the place. Getting out of bed at all hours. Falling asleep late, waking early, crazy long naps.
Lately this is how she sleeps best. She has a small night light, but likes the bright lamp. Obviously not ideal for Tosh. Any suggestions for a bright night light, but not crazy bright? I am also considering trying this clock.
Any suggestions, advice, please?
Tosh is in the laundry room in a pack n' play till we get this figured out :)
We have this one. Obviously that that helpful since I guess it's currently unavailable. You can adjust the brightness of it. And it's got a sensor so if it's bright in the room it shouldn't be on...
Sorry about your sleep problems! Hope it gets fixed!
And that clock thing you posted. Brilliant. Great if your child understands and can follow directions!
I am not sure, but like most moms, I am reading this and wracking my brain trying to come up with the best way to help my pal out! When ever my kids go through weird patches like this, the best thing that has worked for us is to stick to the normal schedule as best as you can even if you have to go through a day of no nap hell or something. If she normally naps two hours wake her up when she hits two hours, put her to bed at the normal time and threaten her within an inch of her life if she gets out and stick to that even if it is a week of hell and things should go back to normal. I hope it gets resolved soon! Sleep problems are by far my least favorite! I'd rather clean up six shishi accidents in a row than lose sleep! haha
we got a cool fish one that looks like the fish are swimming around and around. i think they sell them at walgreens. there's a light, not sure if it's considered a nightlight, though. my kids don't use it but it's pretty fun.
looks like this:
last comment - check on amazon if walgreens doesn't carry it
If you found any solutions for this let me know...toddlersand their sleeping problems are my biggest challenge these days. Demsey can now crawl out of her crib and my world is upside down!
This clock has been working really well so far, but we have only had it for a week. She has not gotten out of bed in the night at all, even the first night with it. We will see if it keeps working.
As far as kids who are still in a crib, my friends and sister use crib tents and love them. You might want to try it with demsey, because she is probably a little too young to understand the concept of the clock.
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