
4th Festivities!

This 4th of July I did something very crazy and it is all Jonna's fault, I ran a 5k. I know it is not a big deal at all, but I do not like running. My high school track coach would be laughing if he knew that I paid money to run. But it was worth it. I feel proud of myself for doing it. This is a pre-run shot.
I got second place!
Then we had a BBQ at Kakela's. Indie loved the sparklers, and wanted to grab them. Corbin thought it would be fine if she held one, but I did not agree.
Then fireworks at Turtle Bay.

It was a great 4th, but now I am very sick. Maybe it is because I had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. to run the race.


Jocie said...

Good job running! I hate it too, but somehow I still do it. That is a great fireworks shot! I take really crappy fireworks pics, but I do it anyway. Hmm, sounds like a pattern...

j,d and little b said...

hehe I am so glad I made you do it! And so proud you got second! You rocked that race!

j,d and little b said...

well not made you....but gave you that "little" push :)

j,d and little b said...

well not made you....but gave you that "little" push :)

liko said...

that's awesome you all did it and you got second! but it sucks that you're sick. get better soon!

Kimberley said...

Whether you like it or not- you were made for running! I bet this won't be the last time you pay to run! Glad you had a happy fourth!!!

Ella F. said...

Looks like fun! Happy 4th and isn't the ironman coming up?

Matti said...

You got second?? That is amazing! You are so funny.