

Last week we went to California for Corbin's brothers wedding.  Here are some of the trips events. We got to spend the night with Devin and pregnant Shira,

go to the San Diego temple,

Indie learned her favorite new trick of turning around in her car seat/stroller and ride facing forwards, standing up, 

on the drive home we stayed in Moro Bay,

Indie learned "sooo big",
(we also went to Hearst Castle, but we don't have the pics right now),
lastly we celebrated the wedding with a reception at the Thomander residence with;
delicious desserts,
beautiful flowers,
lots of jumping,

good company,
and twinkle lights!
We had a grand time and can't wait for our next visit!
Congrats John and Amanda!


Anna K. said...

I wish we could have seen you guys when we were in L.A. It was just too crazy..but I love the pictures! I love your brown sandals too!

Stephanie said...

what a gorgeous wedding! and shira is so so cute ( but of course she is!).

i love that indie rides backwards- i remember when amby discovered that... it wasnt always ideal but it was pretty cute!

liko said...

cool new stroller trick you got going on there, indie.

Ella F. said...

The girls loved the jumping pictures! Indie's smile is so bright!

shira said...

awwwww, i love the pic of you guys holding indie in the middle of you. she looks so dainty on her tiptoes but then you look at her chunky legs! we miss you guys! i'm so happy we got to see you, thanks for making time to see us! plus i love the pic of indie in the stroller with her beanie on!

Matti said...

Wow! Looks like fun. What a gorgeous reception! And I remember when Eden used to turn around in her car-seat like that...I totally forgot about it! So cute!